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  • Dr. Judy Riffle

Mark Your Calendar; March 12, 2021

Updated: Sep 27, 2021

International Grant Professionals Day

Dr. Judy Riffle

“Professional is not a label you give yourself - it's a description you hope others will apply to you.” I strive to reach David Maister’s simple philosophy on professionalism. Do others describe you as a professional?

March 12, 2021 is International Grant Professionals Day (IGPD) sponsored by the Grant Professionals Association (GPA). It is an annual celebration to recognize and show appreciation to all grant professionals across the globe. Join us as we celebrate grant writers, grant consultants, managers, administrators, and grantmakers “for their beneficial contributions to people, government agencies and nonprofit organizations.” Grant Professionals promote many facets of humanity: the underserved, the disadvantaged, the arts, children, elderly, and health clinics to name a few.

Register now and let us meet up at 12 PM (Eastern Time-March 12) for eight seminars that showcase “important issues faced by Grant Professionals.”

1. Event Emcee; Diane H. Leonard, GPC | Founder, DH Leonard Consulting & Grant Writing Services.

2. Maura Harrington, GPC | Founder of MJH Grants, presents on Culture Counts! Know Before You Go International as a Grant Writer. Maura discusses “how our own cultural biases, perspectives, and habits impact the proposals we write.” Imagine if you were writing a grant in Northern Europe and used the word “gift” in the narrative. “Gift” means “poison” in German, Danish, Swedish, and Norwegian. “Gift” also means “to get married” in Swedish, Danish and Norwegian. Have you ever made an international word faux pas?

3. Katherine FH Heart, GPC, M.Ed. | President of Heart Resources, LLC, presents on Using a Train-Coach-Mentor Process for Grant Professional and Team Development. Katherine “explores training and proposal coaching as a new skill set.” This seminar illustrates how to “develop the capacity of grant teams in organizations.”

4. Stacy Fitzsimmons | Federal Grant Specialist, SNF Writing Solutions introduces attendees on The Decision Matrix: Are you Taking the Red or Blue Pill for Your Organization? A highlight is “how to craft a decision matrix using a go/no-go scenario for a grant opportunity.” Stacy “show(s) you the door - will you walk through it?”

5. Kim Joyce, GPC | President & CEO, Kim Joyce & Associates discusses Grant Tools: Finding the Right Solutions for Your Grant Writing Team. Kim explores “tips and tricks on how to decide which tools are the best fit.” Do you have a “go-to” tip on grants?

6. Julie Alsup, GPC | Director, Assel Grant Services examines The Power of Partnerships. Julie shows “the secret to building organizational relationships.” Through effective conversations, you can “create, build, and sustain relationships.”

7. Cheryl L. Kester | Owner, The Kester Group presents on MSU: The Proposal Writer's Guide to Making Stuff Up. You will “learn the value of MSU to aid the proposal writing process as well as ways to reduce the need for MSU.” How often do you Make Stuff Up?

8. Dr. Judy Riffle | Owner, Santa Cruz Grants & Consulting, LLC takes attendees on a mindful journey; Remember to Breathe: Mindfulness Resources for Grant Pros. Dr. Judy discusses “mindfulness resources and strategies to help you breathe through that stress.” Do you need a mindfulness meditation?

9. Cyndi MacKenzie, GPC | Owner, Cyndi MacKenzie, Grant Professional Certified presents In the Calm and the Storm: Grant Pros Must Prioritize RELATIONSHIPS. Cyndi dives into why “Relationships are the most important aspect of Grantsmanship.”

“If you want an exciting life, make every day a learning experience.” Hayes McClerkin Is spot on. What will you learn on International Grant Professionals Day?

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